Sunday, April 19, 2009

Should we be running more safe sex advertisements?

Please take a few seconds of your time and take this poll for me:

The United States rarely runs condom advertisements, but we commonly run advertisements for "male enhancement" products and lubricants. Take these commercials for example:

(and a non-KY commercial)

What do you think of them?

I have here a link to a website that has 12 condom commercials, from 12 countries. There is ONE on there from the United States, and that commercial has been banned from CBS and Fox, and I personally have only seen it on tv two, maybe three times.
Take a look at some of them, they are pretty funny! There is one from India that is a song and is 7 minutes long!

With commercials like this one:

running on US television, shouldn't we also run commercials like this one?

We marvel at the rate of teen pregnancy, high school girls having one or more kids before they graduate, and yet we still are afraid to talk to them about safe sex, or sex in general. We embarrass our children when it comes to the topic of sexual activity and make them think that it is a bad thing, while they are constantly being bombarded with sexual advertisements on the television and on radio.
We gladly let them watch television commercials using sex and humor to sell their products, and let them buy these products with the idea that it will get them laid. And yet, we won't talk to them about condoms. Our media won't advertise condoms, or any safe sex advertisements for that matter. Here is a commercial for Planned Parenthood, from Canada.

Why doesn't the US run advertisements like this?

As a side note, why don't we hear more songs like this one?

(Here is a link to the lyrics:
While it may not be of the greatest lyrical value, the message that it is delivering is one that children, teenagers, and adults do not hear often enough in our society.

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